Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Deal of Happiness for one…

A man speaks to the bar owner. "I bet you 5000 Rs. that I can piss in this cup from across the room." The bar owner looks at the man like he was nuts and says with a laugh, "Ok buddy. You got a deal." So the man walked over to the other side of the room, pulls down his zipper and just lets it fly. Piss went everywhere; on the bar, on customers, all over the bar owner, but not a drop landed in the cup. The man walked back over to the bartender. The bartender says, "Ha ha ha. Well pay up." The man paid him, turns around and begins to laugh hysterically. The bar owner asks, "You just lost 5000 Rs., why are you laughing?" The man turns around and said, "You see that man over there. I bet him 100000 Rs. that I could piss all over your bar and you and you would be happy and laugh about it!"

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